Final 2 weeks at Guardian on Media Fellows placement

It’s been a busy and varied few weeks on my placement, as you’ll see from the links below to the various articles I worked on. I was really pleased that some of them ended up in the print version too. I’ve also enjoyed reading the comments on the articles on the online versions as some of them are really funny, particularly the idea that primitive proto-hamsters took over Mars, not something I’d considered, obviously.

I can’t believe it’s nearly all over now. I’ve got only 1 day left. But I hope to think of this as the beginning of a new side to my science life which will involve some more writing with my newly gained knowledge about this small part of the media world. Back to the lab first thing next week, the only writing I’ll be doing there is notes in the lab book  – still just as important!

Here’s my articles from the last few weeks:

Acute oak decline, a version of this also ended up in the print version.

Drugs cheats: what is oxilofrine. A version of this also ended up in the print version.

Mars Curiosity atmosphere composition. A version of this also ended up in the print version on 19th July 2013.

Heatwave affecting wildlife, after my visit to the RSPB HQ at The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire. A small section of this ended up in the print version on 20th July 2013.

Guardian Science Weekly podcast, I provide an update in the news section on Curiosity results.

WWF campaign with Russian social network for endangered species.

Blog piece on Rosalind Franklin in relation to the Google Doodle.


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